Recruiters probably wouldn’t be very interested in how good you are at Photoshop, for example. This is where you show off your DevOps experience, starting with your current/most recent position and going backward. And then, with one slight change to the resume, your picture ends up below the work experience section or your layout spills over to page #2. During your time as a senior DevOps engineer, you’ve faced and overcome many challenges.

devops engineer resume

Overall, the resume has to scream culture, as DevOps is all about reflecting your knowledge and experience with DevOps practices and methodologies. Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder. Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to. Specifically, it allows you to provide additional relevant or interesting information that you may have not been able to in your resume. Additional sections such as certifications, conferences, and publications can take your DevOps engineer resume to the next level. You can list fewer achievements the further back you go in your career, but make sure to make them as quantifiable as possible.

DevOps Engineer Resume:

Showcasing specialized knowledge of the tech stack will show hiring managers you are knowledgeable in elasticsearch specifically. To get your resume past ATS, you need to list keywords that are relevant to this position. This sample uses keywords like “Kubernetes” and “automated,” which are both necessary for the role.

devops engineer resume

When tailoring your resume for this role, it’s key to showcase your mastery in AWS Lambda, along with your understanding of how this technology impacts the overall software architecture. Moreover, considering the rising demand, companies are not just looking for experience with AWS Lambda but also an understanding of how it integrates with other AWS services. Serverless computing is all about efficiency and scalability, so emphasize on projects where you’ve used AWS Lambda to these ends. Also, this role often involves troubleshooting, so any experience solving complex AWS Lambda related issues should make it to your resume.

Professional affiliations

Your CV must mirror your ability to streamline processes, automate workflows, and foster collaboration across teams. Given the industry shift towards cloud technology, Azure DevOps Engineers are in high demand. Remember, being a proficient programmer alone does not cut it; your aptitude in understanding the business’s needs and translating it into effective technological solutions is equally crucial. Maybe you’re chasing after a brand new role like management.

Include any professional organizations or associations you are part of in your DevOps engineer resume. This will help demonstrate your commitment to your profession and industry knowledge. It can also open the door to networking opportunities with other professionals in the field. List any relevant training courses or certifications you’ve completed, such as AWS Certified DevOps Engineer or Jenkins certification. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends. This is an area that can help you stand out from the competition so focus on all of those different industry certificationss that make you unique.

Resume Sample

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume. Clearly describe your role and contributions within each project you’ve worked on. This will help potential employers understand the scope of your experience and the value you can bring to their organization. A resume headline is a brief, one-line statement representing your value proposition as a DevOps engineer.

Your experience should highlight how you’ve used cloud services successfully on the job. A Kubernetes certification validates that you can design, maintain, and configure cloud-based applications. When applying for a DevOps engineer job, your resume needs to demonstrate how to become a devops engineer your ability to unify, automate, and manage software processes. This means you will have worked with different software programs to get a job done. In your resume, include your experience with these programs, along with any achievements that occurred as a result.

DevOps is all about bringing processes together and automating them, and DevOps experts are crucial in bringing code, application maintenance, and application administration together. Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. Gathering data may be part of your job, but it’s not your main focus. Other teams in the company need to provide you info and data that you need to optimize. Were you in charge of a team project that led to a boost in company revenue?

devops engineer resume

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