Workflow management rules are the process and guidelines that define the manner in which workflows are executed. They determine which steps should be completed and when. This allows the workflow to follow the most efficient path. When a business automatizes its most routine and predictable tasks by using the proper workflow, it allows employees to concentrate on strategic goals.

Workflows can be designed in various formats to fit any project. For example a sequential workflow is one in which the following step can’t begin until the prior one has finished. This is a typical workflow for expense management in which reimbursement of employees requires receipts to be submitted and payment authorization.

A state-machine work flow is a sequence of activities performed on the product in a certain sequence. Each step moves the product into a distinct state, such as „being completed“ or „being written“. State-machine workflows could also include additional rules – like if-this-then-that conditional logic – that configure the process’s path.

Finally, parallel workflows have numerous steps that can be performed simultaneously toward a final objective, for example, processing and mailing an item to a customer after the company has confirmed it’s available. They can all be automated using an application for workflow.

With the right workflow management tools, it’s easy to create and manage structured processes that improve productivity, accountability and efficiency. By streamlining communication and making sure that all team members are aware of their roles and responsibilities and have a clear outline of them, managers can reduce the confusion that leads to missed projects and deadlines.

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